Afropolitan and Near Protocol are offering $2,000 in bounties for the best hacks for the Afropolitan community built on the Near Ecosystem.
The bounty should match at least one of the following 3 themes below ( Themes). One way to think about it is: “build an app that can be used by a group of people that hold an Afropolitan NFT”. This can be a web app, mobile app, chatbot, or any interface you want.
Afropolitan AfroFuturism Hackathon | Hackathon | DoraHacks
Hackathon Winners
Afromentors (Matthew Kotzbauer) - 1st place
Afromentors | Buidls | DoraHacks
Afromentors – Afropolitan-Powered Networking & Teaching
Afroshare Eden - Runner Up
Eden Afropolitan x Near Hackathon | Buidls | DoraHacks
Winners Contact Information
AfroShare Eric - Runner Up
Afroshare_Eric | Buidls | DoraHacks
Photos and Videos
Atila House x Afropolitan: Near Hackathon
Atila House 2023
Event 1 - Atila House Workshop
The hackathon was a hybrid in-person and virtual workshop launched during Atila House at ETHGlobal Waterloo Hackathon.
Atila House was a 5-day co-living, co-working and hacker house that was operating during the ETHGlobal Waterloo conference. During the day, people co-lived and co-worked on their jobs, side projects, hackathon projects and during the evenings we hosted workshops on the theme of AfroFuturism.

Atila House Resident Wins a prize using Afropolitan NFT
Atila House Recap Vlog
Atila Mentorship and Scholarships ⬆️ on Instagram: "Why are all these people so happy? It’s because of Atila House. A community house and hacker house in Kitchener/Waterloo during the ETH Waterloo tech conference. During the day, developers colived and coworked in the house. In the evenings, we hosted community dinners and talks. Thank you to our community partners and student clubs in the Kitchener/Waterloo region that made this event a success. Atila - @atilatech Afropolitan - @afropolitannation Near - @near_protocol Waterloo African Student’s Association - @_uwasa Waterloo Blockchain Club - @waterlooblockchain Waterloo Data Science Club - @uwaterloodsc Western African Student’s Association - @asa_westernuniversity Western Black Student’s Association - @bsawestern Black Students of Laziridis - @bsolazaridis DigiMillenials and AfroNights in KW - @afronightsinkw Potter’s House Royals - @pottershouseroyals ETHGlobal - @ethglobalcom"
Atila House Recap on IG Stories
D1 Atila House = @atilatech
Event 2 - Waterloo Blockchain Club Workshop


Workshop Slides
Afropolitan x Near AfroFuturism Hackathon Workshop
Submit your Project
Afropolitan AfroFuturism Hackathon | Hackathon | DoraHacks
Submission Requirements
- Hacking starts on Friday, June 23, at 9 PM EST
- Deadline: Saturday, July 15th, 12 PM EST
- The application should include a reference to Afropolitan
- If your app is verifying Afropolitan citizenship membership on Mainnet, it should use the Afropolitan Founding Citizen NFT. If deploying on other networks you should make a copy of the Afropolitan NFT artwork and use it on another chain.
- The application must have a component that executes a transaction on a Near Protocol Chain or includes a custom smart contract on Near Protocol
- 1st Place - $1,000
- 2nd Place - $500 x 2